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Section 4: Borrower Services

A library card is available to anyone who can show proof that they live in, own property, work in, or own a business in Franklin Township. Resident applicants can apply using the library’s online form at or in person.

The library will not accept a P.O. Box address as proof of residency. A current driver’s license with a Franklin Township street address will satisfy registration requirements. If a driver’s license is not available, the library will accept another form of photo ID along with one of the following:

  • Bank statement or a recurrent monthly bill (e.g., utility or telephone bill) dated within the past 30 days.
  • Current or last quarter’s property tax bill. 
  • Ownership deed or unexpired lease. 
  • Any government issued mail received in the past six months. This includes a change of address confirmation notice sent from the MVC.  
  • High school or college transcript/school correspondence containing the applicant’s address, issued within the past three months. 

If any current household member owes $150 or more in fees, no new accounts can be opened until those fees are paid down.

Full Access Cards for Minors

A parent or legal guardian’s signature and proof of residency are required to register a minor for a full access library card. To open a full access card, the parent/guardian’s card cannot be blocked for fees and the minor must be present at the time of registration. Parents/Guardians may elect to register their child for a Youth Access Card instead.

Youth Access Cards

Minors ages 12 – 15 can register for a Youth Access Card (YAC) if they show proof of identity. A YAC will only allow the cardholder to borrow up to four (4) items and place holds on up to four (4) items, excluding some special collections. A YAC will also allow full access to the library’s digital collections and databases.

A YAC must be renewed annually and can be converted to a full access card with parental permission (provided the parent/guardian is in good standing) or when the card holder turns eighteen (18).

Minors age 12+ may register themselves for or renew a YAC if they can show one of the following:

  • Current academic year school ID.
  • Current report card.
  • Driving permit, driver’s license, or state issued non-driver ID.

P.O. Box address will not be accepted as proof of residency.

Individuals who work in town may obtain a free card with us if they can show proof of address and a current paystub from a local business. Borrowing limits may apply. Membership must be renewed annually.

  • Franklin Township Public Library cards can be used to obtain free borrowing privileges at several surrounding area libraries.
  • Library cards from several surrounding libraries can be used to obtain borrowing privileges at Franklin Township Public Library.
  • Reciprocal borrowing privileges vary with each individual library in our not and may not be available to individual who purchase non-resident cards.
  • You must have your home library card with you to register.
  • Registering for a reciprocal card must be done when both libraries are open.
  • You must be in good standing at your home library to register.
  • Reciprocal borrowing privileges are updated or renewed according to each individual library’s policy.
    • Franklin Township extends privileges to reciprocal borrows for a term of one (1) year.
  • Items borrowed from a reciprocal library must be returned to the library you borrowed them from.

Non-residents who do not otherwise qualify for a free library card may purchase memberships for:

  • Annual Membership: $50.00 (Annual)
  • Half-year Membership: $25.00

These fees are reviewed periodically and may be subject to change.

Cardholder Responsibilities

By registering for a library card, the cardholder agrees to:

  • Accept responsibility for any use of the card.
  • Present the card when required for transactions.
  • Follow all library policies and procedures.
  • Pay all fines and fees.
  • Report promptly if the card is lost or if stolen, or there is a change of address or telephone number.

Card Usage and Updates

The library provides all new users with a free wallet and keychain copy of their library cards. There is a $3.00 charge to replace a lost card. The library will also accept scannable copies saved to a smartphone, but patrons are limited to once annually checkout using their driver’s license per year. If the one-time exception has already been used, items can be set aside for 24 hours. The library reserves the right to limit the number and type of items that can be set aside.

Library cards must be periodically updated. Patrons may be required to show photo ID and proof of residency to renew borrowing privileges. We cannot register new users or replace or update memberships the last 15 minutes that the library is open.

Upon registration library patron email addresses are used for the purpose of sending news and information about the library, its services, programs, events, and policies. Patrons may opt-out of these email upon first receipt.

In general, only the staff and the cardholder have access to information about a cardholder’s library record. New Jersey Statute 18A: 73-43.2 requires that library records that contain the names or other personally identifying details regarding the users of libraries are confidential and shall be disclosed only in very specific circumstances:

  • The records are necessary for the proper operation of the library.
  • Disclosure is requested by the user; or
  • Disclosure is required pursuant to a subpoena issued by a court or court order.

Additionally, under the federal USA PATRIOT Act of 2001, disclosure of library records may be required when a search warrant or court order is presented to the library.

When patrons telephone for information about items being held, titles will be given if the caller supplies the appropriate library card barcode number. Library staff may confirm that items are being held for a person whom the caller names but may not reveal the titles unless the caller provides the library card barcode number. A patron may pick up items on hold for others if he or she presents the other individual’s library card.

When patrons telephone to renew items, the caller must supply the appropriate library card barcode number or item ID. In person, patrons may renew or check out items for others if he or she presents the other individual’s library card.

The parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of a child(ren) under 11 years of age is(are) entitled to information relating to the use of the minor child’s card, as this is deemed as essential and necessary for the proper operation of the library. However, if a child (patron) is over 11 years of age, the library will not disclose information regarding the account with anyone other than that patron, unless that patron authorizes such disclosure.

Most library materials can be renewed two times unless they are on hold for another patron. Book Club Kits, Circulating Reference, Interlibrary Loans may not be renewed without special permission. Museum Passes cannot be renewed.

For eligible materials, renewal requests may be made online, in person, or by calling the library. When calling to speak with a staff member, patrons may renew multiple items by reading their card number or renew a single item by reading aloud the item’s barcode. Patrons are only allowed a one-time exception to renew by telephone without their library cards if they can verify their full contact information. Renewals in person can be done using either the patron’s library card or by scanning the individual items. (Please see the “Borrowing Table” above for a list of eligible items and their renewal limits.)

Items must be renewed on time to avoid being assessed fees.  Items that cannot be renewed must still be returned on time to avoid being assessed fees. Successful renewal requests will extend the due date from the date the request is approved.

Renewal requests will be denied if:

  • The renewal limit has been reached. If this happens, the item must be returned but it can be immediately borrowed so long as there are no holds, and the account is not blocked for unpaid fees.
  • The item has a “hold” on it. In this event, the item must be returned because it is needed by another patron; however, the current patron may place a hold on the item after it is returned.
  • The account is blocked for unpaid fees. If the account owes $10.00 or more in library fees, the account holder will not be able to renew online or check out items until the fees are paid down.

Materials that are not eligible for renewal cannot be returned and immediately re-borrowed. This is to provide access to the materials for all our users. If a patron owes $10.00 or more in library fees, he/she will not be able to renew online. Please call the Circulation Desk for further assistance. Items must be renewed on time to avoid being assessed fees. Items that cannot be renewed must still be returned on time to avoid being assessed fees.

Cardholders are responsible for returning or renewing their borrowed materials on time. Overdue fees will be charged for the additional time that cardholders have the item past its due date. Overdue fees accrue at different rates for different materials.

At four (4) weeks overdue, an item is assumed lost, and the account is billed for replacement. A billing notice is mailed stating the replacement cost of the item. At six (6) weeks overdue, the bill for assumed lost items may be sent to a collection agency. Items will still be accepted back and the cardholder only subject to the overdue fees if the item(s) are returned in a reasonable amount of time.

The table below indicates the loan periods, number of renewals, and any applicable fees for items in the library.

Material TypeLoan PeriodRenewalsNumber of ItemsDaily Overdue FeeMaximum Overdue Fee
Book Club Kits (fee per book)42 days01$0.20$10.00
Children’s books & magazines21 days2No limit$0.10$6.00
Children’s media (i.e. audiobooks, CDs and videos)21 days2No limit$0.20$6.00
Entertainment videos – new titles2 days2No limit$1.50$10.00
Entertainment videos – older titles7 days2No limit$1.00$10.00
Inter-Library Loans14 days03$1.00$50.00
Kindle e-readers *14 days11$2.00$50.00
Magazines21 days2No limit$0.20$3.00
Museum passes**4 days01 per 30 days$10.00$50.00
New Arrivals14 days2No limit$0.20$10.00
NewspapersIn library use only
Reference — Circulating Adult collection (pink labels)3 days01$2.00$50.00
Reference — Non-Circulating Adult and Children’s collectionsUpon ApprovalUpon ApprovalUpon Approval$0.20 per hour$50.00
Township Government Meeting Minutes3 days01$2.00$50.00
ALL OTHER COLLECTIONS21 days2No limit$0.20$10.00
* Must be aged 18+ to check out these items. ** Museum passes can only be borrowed by permanent residents and paid members aged 18 or older.

Lost or damaged items must be paid for. For most materials, the amount billed will reflect the original retail value. For older materials with no price listed in the system, staff will charge the standard out-of-print fee. Moldy items will be discarded; otherwise, damaged items will be kept for thirty (30) days from the date billed in case the patron wants it after payment is made.

Fees for lost or damaged items must be paid within 14 days. All other fees must be paid within 60 days. Library users that owe the library $40.00 or more in fees will be reported to the library’s collection agency, Unique Management Services Inc. For each account sent to Unique, the library is billed a $12.00 referral fee. The library is willing to work with users who return long overdue materials, but the referral fee must be paid by the user.

The Library does not report debts to credit agencies; however, the account will remain blocked until the bill is paid in full.

For full information on payment options see, Payments and Cash Handling.

The library does not refund fees for damaged materials or for materials that are returned/renewed late. If you believe that you have been mistakenly charged a fee, please contact the Circulation Desk for assistance before making any payments. Refunds for lost materials will be made if an item is found within six months of the original payment date, is in good condition, and has not been withdrawn from the catalog. Overdue fees will be deducted from the refund for lost materials. Refunds will not be issued for items that are returned damaged.

Library notices are sent to patrons as a courtesy. Failure to receive the notice does not absolve the patron of responsibility for paying library fees.

For patrons who request email notifications, the library will attempt to send out a courtesy reminder two days before items are due.

For all patrons, the library will also attempt to send out several reminders for overdue items. If you think that you have received an overdue notice in error, contact the library as soon as possible to avoid being assessed fees.

  • The first notice will be sent via telephone call or email when items become seven days overdue.
  • A second reminder will be sent via telephone call or email at 14 days overdue.
  • A third notice will be mailed when items are 21 days overdue.
  • A bill for replacement costs will be sent when items are 28 days overdue and assumed lost. Items returned within 14 days will only be subject to borrowing fees.
  • A second reminder billing notice will be sent to accounts owing $24.99 (or less) at 43 days overdue.
  • Accounts owing $40.00 or more will be sent to “collections” and be charged a $12.00 referral fee.

Patrons may place a hold on materials that are either on the shelf or not currently available.  Holds may be placed in person, over the phone, or via our online catalog.

Holds placed via the online catalog for items currently on the shelf are processed the day the owning branch is open. Transfers between branches may take up to forty-eight (48) hours to arrive at their desired pickup location.

Patrons who need a hold immediately should contact the library via phone.

Patrons may have a maximum of 25 active holds. A hold is considered active until it has been checked out by the patron.

Patrons without a library card may have one (1) item held. Such requests can only be processed over the phone and are only held for forty-eight (48) hours.

For items currently on the shelf preference will be given to the patron who has the book in hand. If a patron brings an item to the counter that is on hold for another user staff will override the hold and allow the item to be checked out. The person on hold will be notified when the item is returned.

Patrons will be notified the day after their holds become available for pickup and will have three days from the date of notification to pick up their holds. Patrons may request additional time if needed by calling the library.

•          Day 1 – Hold becomes available

•          Day 2 – Notice sent

•          Day 5 – Final pickup date, hold expires

Once a request or hold is on a patron’s record it may be cancelled at any time before a final pickup date via phone, in person, or online.

The library reserves the right to cancel an on-shelf hold if a patron fails to pick up the same requested item two times in a row, or if they fail to pick up three different requests in a row.

Patrons are asked to wait 24 hours before placing an item on hold that they just returned. The library reserves the right to cancel these holds.

Patrons will be assessed a $1.00 fine if a requested item is not picked up by its expiration date and the library has not been notified of a cancelation.

Book club kits are available for reservation by all resident, paid, and reciprocal cardholders aged eighteen (18) or older.

All resident and paid cardholders have access to digital ebooks and audiobooks. Checkout limits may vary depending on the service used. Please see the library website for details. All digital ebook and audiobook services require a valid library card.

All resident and paid cardholders have access to the library’s electronic resources from home. Not all electronic resources are available remotely. Please see the library’s website for further information. All electronic resources can be accessed on-site by library visitors using a public access terminal or wireless internet.

Museum passes are available for reservation by all resident and paid cardholders age 18 or older. Reservations are limited to one (1) per card.  Each museum may only be reserved once per month. Passes may be reserved up to ninety (90) days in advance. Physical passes can be returned at any library service desk or via the media drop at the lending branch. See the borrowing table above for further information.