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Section 1: Administrative Policies

Per NJSA 40:54-9 the Franklin Township Public Library is governed by a Board of Trustees. The Board consists of five (5) members who are appointed by the Mayor for staggered five-year terms. The Board also includes two (2) ex­officio members – the Mayor and the Superintendent  of Schools. The ex-officio members may appoint alternates to represent them at Board meetings.  The current members of the Board of Trustees are listed below:

  • Nicholas A. Ciampa, President
  • Iris Kislin, Secretary
  • Dr. Amy Arsiwala, Superintendent of Schools Alternate
  • Agnes Kulu-Banya
  • Phillip Kramer, Mayor
  • Nabil B. Choueiri
  • Tianna Gresham, Mayor’s Alternate
  • Kevin McNeil

The administration of the Library is the responsibility of the Library Director in coordination with the Board. The Board monitors all Library policies and makes appropriate amendments when necessary to ensure the most efficient, equitable, and safe conditions as possible.

The library Board of Trustees meets on the 4th Wednesday of the month at 5:45 PM via Zoom unless otherwise listed. Board meetings are open to the public (including staff). Videos of Board Meetings are made available after the meeting and minutes are made available once approved by the Board at the next meeting.

The current meeting schedule for the board of trustees is listed on the library’s website.

The Board of Trustees may be contacted via the contact form on the library website.

Franklin Township Public Library branches are open to the public during the hours listed below. Exceptions may be made in emergencies. If other extraordinary conditions arise which necessitate the closing of any library agency, only the Library Director or a person to whom the director delegates this responsibility may make this decision.

Monday – Thursday: 10AM – 8 PM
Friday: 10 AM – 5 PM
Saturday: 10 AM – 5 PM (July & August: 10 AM – 2 PM)
Sunday: 1 PM – 4 PM
Monday: 10 AM – 8 PM
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 10 AM – 5 PM
Thursday: 1:30 PM – 8 PM
Saturday: 10 AM – 2 PM
Sunday: Closed
Monday: 10 AM – 8 PM
Tuesday – Thursday: 1 PM – 5 PM
Saturday: 10 AM – 2 PM

All Franklin Township Public Library branches are typically closed on the following holidays:

  • New Year’s Day
  • Martin L. King Day
  • President’s Day
  • Easter Weekend
  • Memorial Day Weekend
  • Juneteenth
  • Independence Day
  • Labor Day Weekend
  • Veteran’s Day
  • Thanksgiving and following Friday.
  • Christmas Eve
  • Christmas Day

Additionally, the library typically closes early on New Year’s Eve (3 PM) and the Wednesday before Thanksgiving (5 PM).

Official dates are approved by the Library Board of Trustees during either the October or November meeting and are subsequently posted on the library website. Please see the library website for exact dates as state and federal holiday dates may differ.

To avoid frustration and confusion at the time of closing, staff make closing announcements starting 20 minutes prior to closing.

  1. Library Director
  2. Head of Youth Services
  3. Head of Borrower Services
  4. Head of Adult Services
  5. Reference Librarian (full-time or part-time)
  1. Library Director
  2. Branch Manager
  3. Senior most Librarian

The list below only applies to the library itself not to the Youth Center.

  1. Library Director
  2. Librarian
  3. Senior-most staff member.

The individual present in the building with the top-most position listed above may be responsible for the following:

  • Being the contact person for the Director in the event of emergencies.
  • Deciding to allow a patron to finish copying, scanning, or faxing close-to or after closing.
  • Designating staff members to contact the parent or guardian of a child left unattended in the building or walk a child to the police station.
  • Any other situations that may arise and not listed above.

Postings on the Franklin Township Public Library public bulletin boards are limited to those items describing cultural events, educational opportunities, community and local news, community events, support group activities and other non-commercial activities. 

Postings for profit generating events and services sponsored by commercial organizations or private individuals are not eligible for this service unless all profits are donated to a designated charity. (Approved by the Board of Trustees, April 23, 1997; reviewed by Board, March 24, 2010, June 28, 2017.)

Preference is given to artists, organizations, collectors, etc. who are based in Franklin Township.

Art Wall

  • Work is displayed for three months at a time.
  • A set up time will be scheduled for when the programming librarian, library staff member who does the hanging, and the outgoing and incoming artists are available.
  • The wall can accommodate a maximum of 18 pieces of art.
  • All pieces need to be framed with wire strung horizontally across the back of the frame.
    • Pieces not in a frame, i.e. canvases, are acceptable if they have the wire across the back and fit the other parameters.
  • Each piece must weigh less than 10 pounds.
  • Space is available to display the artist’s biographical and contact information, as well as an indication of whether the artwork is for sale (no prices may be displayed, however).
  • Work is displayed at artist’s own risk. All pieces are hung using anti-theft hooks and the location of the art wall is directly across from the circulation desk, a heavily trafficked area within the line of sight of staff.
  • In the event of a building emergency such as a leak or fire, every attempt will be made to safeguard the work. The library cannot guarantee these efforts will be successful.

Display Cases

  • The display case across from the circulation desk measures 73” wide by 57” high by 26” deep and contains a cubed shelving unit with 18” spaces. The shelving unit is not removeable.
  • Exhibitors are encouraged to provide their own display stands.
  • The display cases in the library’s vestibule measure 65” wide by 55” high by 26” deep. There are two glass shelves in each case that can be adjusted or removed.
  • Work is displayed at the exhibitor’s own risk. All cases have secure locks and always remain locked. The circulation case is located directly across from the circulation desk, a heavily trafficked area within the line of sight of staff. All cases are visible from security cameras.
  • In the event of a building emergency such as a leak or fire, every attempt will be made to safeguard the work. The library cannot guarantee these efforts will be successful.

Meeting rooms are available in the Franklin Township Public Library to support library programs and functions that further the goals of the library. When not being used by the library, the rooms may be made available to established, not-for-profit groups consisting of more than two people, based in Franklin Township, Somerset County, New Jersey that are engaged in educational, cultural, intellectual, or charitable activities.

In cases where a non-profit designation is not reasonably apparent, proof of tax-exempt status may be required to establish eligibility to use the room. The rooms may not be used by organizations for commercial purposes or for private social events for individuals. In accordance with the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights and its interpretation pertaining to meeting rooms, the library does not limit use of the meeting room based on the subject matter or content of the meeting or on the beliefs or affiliations of the meeting’s sponsors. Use of the meeting rooms does not constitute an endorsement of the views of the users of the room by the library.

Reservations for meeting room space are on a first-come, first-served basis. Library programs will have preference.

A completed and signed application must be returned to the Reference Desk in person or by mail. An authorized representative of the group, who resides in Franklin Township with a valid Franklin Township Public Library card and who shall attend the meeting(s) and be personally responsible for the conduct of the meeting and for any damages to facilities, must sign the application. Groups holding regularly scheduled meetings need submit only one application per year, but cannot schedule meetings for more than three months at a time.

Specific meeting dates and times must be requested via the online reservation system. Each application will be reviewed and the contact person will receive confirmation by email. The meeting room will not be considered scheduled until confirmation is sent.

Applications must be submitted at least fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting date, to allow sufficient time to process the application and to notify the contact person. Applications will be accepted no earlier than three (3) months before the desired meeting date.

To make the meeting rooms accessible to as many people as possible, the following restrictions apply:

Use of library rooms by an organization is limited to one meeting per week.

  • Limited series of daily meetings may be scheduled at the discretion of the library director.
  • Meetings must be scheduled during the hours that the library is open.
  • Meetings must adjourn, the room be put in order, and the participants vacate the room and begin to leave the building at least 15 minutes before the library closes.
  • No room is available for the entire day.
  • The Community Room (A & B) is only available for four (4) hours blocks.
  • The Historical Room and the Media Rooms are available for a maximum of 2 ½ hours.

It is library policy that the maximum number of persons that may use each meeting room is as follows:

  • The Children’s Programming Room: 25
  • The Mettler Historical Room: 12
  • Community Room A: 30
  • Community Room B: 70
  • Community Room A+B: 100
  • Media Room: 16

Under no circumstances may attendance exceed the posted capacity of the meeting room.

Chairs and tables are available for groups to set up to meet their needs. The library does not assume responsibility for setting up the room, although usually at least one table and chairs may already be set up. When a meeting is concluded, the room must be cleaned up and all furniture returned to its original position.

Additional Amenities

Community Room A and Community Room A+B

  • Kitchen facilities with a sink,
  • Small refrigerator
  • Microwave

Note: Edible supplies are not provided. The organization is required to clean the kitchen and leave the room in order after use. Responsible parties will be billed for any extra carpet or other cleaning required because of the use of food or beverages in the Community Room.


It is the responsibility of applicants to provide any equipment necessary to conduct their meetings. Pending availability, the following equipment is available for request when booking a room:

Community Room A+B
  • Laptop
  • Microphone
  • Podium
  • Projector and Screen
  • Tables
  • Whiteboard Easel
The Mettler Historical Room
  • Projector and Screen
  • Whiteboard Easel
Media Room
  • Projector and Screen
  • Whiteboard Easel

Library use of meeting rooms is the first priority. The library reserves the right to cancel a reservation if a room is needed for library use. Whenever possible, a twenty-four (24) hour notice will be given and every effort will be made to find another location in the building. This right will not be exercised except in emergency situations.

Meeting Rooms may not be used for:

  • Any purpose which, in the opinion of the Director and/or the Library Board, may interfere with the normal use of the library.
  • A return engagement by a group that has abused or damaged the facility in its earlier use or that has violated any of the regulations set forth in this policy.
  • The furthering of private business interests by for-profit organizations.

Organizations that wish to continue to use library facilities must abide by the following regulations.

  • Library staff and other users of library services should be always treated with courtesy and respect.
  • All advertisements, announcements, press releases, flyers, etc. relating to meetings must clearly state the meeting is not sponsored by the Franklin Township Public Library.
  • Displays, posters, and literature connected with a meeting may not be placed anywhere in the Library except in the meeting room while the meeting is taking place. A flyer advertising the meeting may be given to the librarian at the Reference Desk for posting on a library bulletin board.
  • Each organization will be admitted to, and must vacate, the room at the appointed time.
  • Groups using the meeting rooms are not permitted to charge registration or admission fees or to require the purchase of an item as a condition of attending a meeting. No selling, solicitation, or taking of orders may occur. No money may be collected from the participants during the meeting. The participants may not make donations during the meeting. Fundraising events for the library are exempt.
  • The use of the name, address, or telephone number of the Franklin Township Public Library as the address or headquarters of any group using the library for meetings is strictly prohibited.
  • Library staff may attend or observe any meeting or program at any time.
  • For the Community Room only, beverages and light snacks are permitted if prior approval is obtained. No food or beverage may be taken outside of the Community Room.
  • Smoking and/or use of alcohol or malt beverages are not permitted.
  • A group composed of minors (under eighteen years of age) must have an adult chaperone attend the meeting. This person must also sign the meeting room application form. Children aged 10 years and younger must always be accompanied by an adult.
  • Displays may not be affixed directly to the walls of the meeting rooms. Library fixtures may not be removed from the walls. Groups using the Historical Room are prohibited from touching library items stored in those rooms.
  • Meeting room users are responsible for carrying their own supplies and operating equipment they use.
  • The library is not responsible for equipment or materials owned by a community group and used in the library. No storage space is available.
  • The library reserves the right to modify the configuration and contents of the meeting rooms.
  • The library is not responsible for setting up furniture for groups using the meeting rooms.
  • The library reserves the right to modify the configuration and contents of the meeting rooms.
  • The library reserves the right to deny the use of equipment in meeting rooms to anyone who cannot demonstrate due competence and proper care in its use. It may not always be possible for the library to accommodate requests for staff assistance with equipment at the time of the meeting.
  • Anything being taken into meeting rooms by the public may be subject to examination at the request of the library.
  • The library reserves the right to limit or prohibit any use of the meeting room that represents a threat to the health or safety of library patrons or to the orderly use of the library.
  • For, and in consideration of, the use of the meeting rooms and library facilities, any person or group using same hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Franklin Township Public Library from any and all actions or suits relating to its use of such rooms and facilities. Further, such person or group agrees to reimburse the Franklin Township Public Library for any and all costs for repair of any and all damage as may be caused directly or indirectly to the room and/or facilities by such use thereof. If any organization refuses to pay for the damage, the matter will be referred to the board’s attorney for legal action.
  • Activity and noise levels in the meeting rooms during meetings must not disrupt or disturb regular library activities. However, library programs in adjacent areas may be audible.
  • Users of the meeting rooms must abide by all local, state, and federal laws, ordinances, and regulations.
  • The library reserves the right to make accommodation for meeting room use by other Franklin Township Departments.
  • Any violation of these rules and regulations may result in an order to vacate the premises immediately and/or suspension of the privilege of using the meeting room.

The Library Board expects that any group utilizing the meeting rooms will comply with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act that require that a meeting or materials at a meeting be provided in an accessible format in response to a request.

Approved by the Board of Trustees on October 25, 2006.

Appeals and/or comments can be made to the Library Board in writing. Address such communications to:

Franklin Township Public Library

Attn: Board of Trustees

485 DeMott Lane,

Somerset, NJ 08873

For Donation of Materials, please see Section V of the Collection Development Policy.

For Donations of Art, please see Appendix F of the Collection Development Policy.

The following criteria will be used to determine if an item can be donated to the library:

  • Library needs.
  • The item’s durability.
  • Adequate space.
  • Security issues.
  • Safety and liability.
  • Compatibility with the library’s current technology.
  • The cost of installation or obtaining the item.
  • The cost of maintaining the item over its lifetime.

Donations will be used according to the sole discretion of the library.

The library appreciates cash donations of any amount. These funds are used to support collections and programs at the FTPL. FTPL is a not-for-profit, classified 501(c)(3) by the Internal Revenue Service and all contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Our tax identification number is 22-6017811. Donations may be sent to:

Library Director

Franklin Township Public Library

485 DeMott Lane

Somerset, NJ 08873.

All gifts of money will be acknowledged.

Adult volunteers are accepted seasonally throughout the year at the DeMott Lane Branch. Information on availability will be posted on the library’s website. Applications are available at the DeMott Lane Circulation Desk.

Teen volunteers are accepted as opportunities are available at our DeMott Lane Branch. The Teen Librarian maintains a current list of volunteer opportunities on our website. In addition. There are also a limited number of volunteer opportunities for teens in our Youth Services department. For availability, please call the DeMott Lane Youth Services desk at 732-873-8700 option 4.

Currently, we do not accept volunteers at our Franklin Park and Lewis Street branches.

Patrons may not use staff telephones, except in an emergency or at the discretion of the staff. Patrons will not be paged unless there is an emergency.

Requests for library tours should be made in advance. Every effort will be made to assign a staff member appropriate to the age or interest of the group requesting the tour. Some tours may need to be scheduled around the availability of various staff. The library reserves the right to determine an acceptable size for a group. Staff assistance may be limited. Any tour group is welcome to stay longer to work independently.

Library-sponsored programs are designed for members of the public. Organizations that would like to send groups of five or more should contact the library in advance.

1N.  Payment and Cash Handling

Cash, checks, money orders, and cashier’s checks are accepted for the payment of fines, printing, copying, and book sales.  Staff cannot accept any bill denomination above $20.

Credit Cards can be used via the online catalog to pay fines of more than $10.00. Credit cards cannot be used for any other transactions.