Teen Programs

257 posts

ATTENTION: Special Black History Month Event…plus something extra!

Special Black History Month Event! Black America: Then and Now Saturday February 24th @ 2:30pm The mission of Black America: Then and Now is to, have an open dialogue with like-minded people seeking to make the world a better and more cohesive place. With special guest, Deputy Mayor Shanel Robinson […]

Teen Health Information Session: Consent and Reproductive Health

Teen Health and Wellness Information Session: Consent and Reproductive Health Tuesday February 20th @ 7pm What is family planning? How is it related to sexual and reproductive health? What are the forms of birth control that are available? What is safe sex? What is consent? What sets apart healthy relationships […]

Look what’s happening this week: Meditation and Freedom Summer Speaker

Mindfulness Meditation Workshop Tuesday January 16th @ 7pm Mindfulness is the art of being a compassionate observer of our own experience. Mindfulness meditation can help us reduce stress & be more compassionate towards ourselves and others. It helps us step back and press a pause button to take in the […]