
272 posts

Vacation Creations: Make a Hedgehog!

Vacation Creations: Hedgehogs!Have you ever seen a hedgehog? Their unusual name comes from the way they hunt for their food, poking their noses and mouths beneath hedges for insects, mice, frogs, and even snakes! They make a grunting noise that sounds like a pig while they root – and that […]

Art Class: Watercolor Resist

Art Class: Watercolor Resist What you need:• Watercolor paints (See the recipe posted August 10 on the Kids’ Blog)• Water and brush• Crayons• Removable tape such as Scotch Magic Tape, washi tape or painter’s tape• Watercolor paper or other heavy paper• Optional: string or yarnWhat you do:• Use the crayons […]

Craft Your Own Paint and Bubbles

Have an adventurous (and scientific) time making your own batches of paint, watercolors, and bubbles with these craft recipes! Homemade Paint There are many recipes for homemade paint online – search “how to make your own paint” both with and without the word “kids” and you will find plenty. One […]