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Section 5: Patron Behavior & Safety

To maintain a pleasant environment consistent with the nature of a library the following acts are prohibited:

  1. Obstructing the entrance area of the library, either inside or outside the building
  2. Obstructing aisles and passageways
  3. Leaving bicycles unattended at the library entrance rather than in the bike rack on the side of the building
  4. Entering the building without shirts or other covering of upper bodies or without shoes or other footwear.
  5. Carrying a weapon or weapon look-alike, unless authorized by law.
  6. Bringing in an animal unless it is required to assist a person with a disability.
  7. Using roller blades, skateboards, or the like
  8. Eating, drinking, chewing gum
  9. Smoking
  10. Damaging or mutilating library materials or building structures.
  11. Engaging in vandalism
  12. Engaging in noisy or disruptive behavior, including running, climbing, throwing, loud talking or crying, fighting, jumping, pushing, shoving, staring at another person with the intent to annoy that person, following another person about the building with the intent to annoy that person, stalking another person, or behaving in a manner which reasonably can be expected to disturb other persons
  13. Soliciting or panhandling
  14. Conducting a survey without prior permission of Library Administration
  15. Photographing or videotaping without prior permission of Library Administration and those photographed
  16. Moving or abusing furniture or equipment, including standing or lying on tables or chairs, or putting feet on tables
  17. Striking matches, lighting lighters, or using other devices that could produce a flame or fire.
  18. Playing audio equipment or using other electronic devices, (including cellular telephones), so that others can hear it.
  19. Verbally, physically, or sexually harassing or assaulting library users or staff
  20. Engaging in sexual activity, contact or assault or any act of lewdness or exposure prohibited by New Jersey Statutes Annotated 2C:14-1 through 2C:14-8, and  any other sexual activity which is inappropriate in a public place.
  21. Failing, as the guardian, to safeguard a youth.
  22. Leaving a youth, fifth grade or younger, unattended inside or outside of the library at any time, as this is not in keeping with reasonable use of the library as is intended. If necessary, the appropriate governmental agency will be contacted.
  23. Misusing the restrooms, (i.e., using as a laundry or washing facility)
  24. Performing personal grooming acts outside of the restrooms
  25. Leaving belongings unattended in the building or lobby
  26. Carrying bombs or other incendiary devices
  27. Engaging in any illegal or unsafe activity not otherwise listed
  28. Anyone refusing to follow these rules or to behave in a reasonable and courteous way in the library will be evicted from the premises.  Those who engage in the following acts listed below will lose their library privileges and may be subject to prosecution:
    1. Theft of library materials or equipment
    1. Refusal to pay fines.
    1. Vandalism such as graffiti, destruction or defacement of library materials or  property, etc. 
  29. It is the library’s policy that anyone refusing to follow the Code of Conduct or refusing to behave in a courteous, reasonable, and appropriate way will be evicted from the library for the rest of that day or longer.  Those loitering or refusing to leave when evicted for cause may be charged with trespassing.
  30. The library is not responsible for any personal property left unattended.
  1. The Library provides free access to the Internet as part of its mission to promote literacy, lifelong learning, personal fulfillment, and the principles of intellectual freedom.
  2. The Library upholds and affirms the right of every individual to have access to constitutionally protected material on the Internet.

3.   Each individual must accept responsibility for determining the appropriateness of the resources that he or she elects to access. Responsibility for youth using the Internet rests with the guardian, not with Library personnel.

  • No person shall use a Library Internet workstation in a way that is inappropriate for an open public area shared by people of all ages and backgrounds or that disturbs or interferes with patrons, employees or the operation of the Library.

Patrons may not:

  1. Display, send, receive or print text, images or graphics of obscene materials or materials harmful to minors;
  2. Display, send, receive or print text, images or graphics that violate laws relating to child pornography;
  3. Use an Internet workstation to transmit threatening or harassing material;
  4. Engage in any activity that is deliberately offensive or creates an intimidating or hostile environment for Library staff and patrons;
  5. Violate copyright or software licensing agreements.
  6. Gain unauthorized access to any computing, information, or communications devices or resources;
  7. Damage, alter, or degrade computer equipment, peripherals, software, or configurations;
  8. Install software applications; or
  9. Use an Internet workstation to conduct commercial activities, including the sale of goods or services.

*Use of library computers to copy and distribute copyright protected works may be an infringement of the copyright law (Title 17 U.S. Code).

Professional librarians on staff are authorized to terminate the Internet session of any patron who fails to comply with this policy; to take further action in accordance with the Library’s Code of Conduct; and to report illegal activity of which they become aware to the appropriate authorities for prosecution.

Adopted by the Library Board of Trustees: April 23, 2003

At Franklin Township Public Library, our primary goal is to provide a safe and welcoming environment for all patrons, including children. We encourage families to utilize our resources and services together; however, we understand that circumstances may arise where children may need to visit the library unaccompanied. To ensure the safety and well-being of all children who use our facilities, the following policy regarding unattended children is established:

  • Age Limit: Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by a responsible caregiver who is at least 18 years old while in the library.
  • Responsibility of Parents/Guardians: The library staff is not responsible for supervising unattended children. Parents, guardians, or caregivers are responsible for the safety, behavior, and well-being of their children while on the library premises. In addition, parents and/or legal guardians are responsible for any injury or destruction caused by youths, as set forth in N.J.S. § 2A:53A.
  • Library Usage: Unattended children, age 12 or older are welcome to utilize library resources, including books, computers, and study areas. However, disruptive behavior will not be tolerated, and children are expected to adhere to the library’s code of conduct.
  • Disruptive Behavior: If an unattended child is observed engaging in disruptive behavior or if staff members have concerns about the safety or well-being of a child, they may intervene, as necessary. This may include contacting the parent/guardian, providing guidance to the child, or involving appropriate authorities if deemed necessary.
  • Emergency Situations: In the event of an emergency, library staff will prioritize the safety of all patrons, including unattended children. If an emergency occurs and a child’s caregiver cannot be located, appropriate authorities will be contacted to ensure the child’s safety.
  • Departure: The library will close promptly at its designated time. Parents, guardians, or caregivers must ensure that unattended children are picked up prior to closing time. Library staff will not remain responsible for children left on the premises after closing. If a child’s parent, guardian, or caregiver cannot be located, appropriate authorities will be contacted to ensure the child’s safety.
  • Abandonment: The library reserves the right to contact the appropriate authorities to take custody of any child that, in the sole discretion of library staff, they feel is abandoned under the definition set forth by N.J.S. § 9:6-1.
  • Notification of Policy: This unattended child policy will be posted prominently within the library premises and on the library’s website. Additionally, staff members will be trained to inform patrons of this policy as needed.

By utilizing the services and facilities of Franklin Township Public Library, parents, guardians, and caregivers acknowledge and accept the terms outlined in this unattended child policy.