Stop by the library and meet your community’s authors! From 1pm to 3:30pm on Saturday, 11/9/24, the DeMott Lane Branch is hosting a fair featuring over 20 local authors. Come browse, buy, and have authors sign copies of their books. Books for children, teens, and adults will be available. No registration is required to attend, but registration for participating authors has closed.
In anticipation of the fair, we reached out to the participating local authors and asked if they had any advice is for aspiring writers!
Franklin Township Public Library: What advice would you give to aspiring authors?
Julie C. Gilbert: Finish your story. There’s a lot of other stuff like marketing, editing, and so on that needs to happen eventually, but generally, it’s a good idea to finish what you start. If you haven’t started, start! Try not to get wrapped up in details if it’s a passion project. But also evaluate your goals going in. Do you want to make money? If that’s the case, you should consider doing market research first. I don’t, but I also have a day job. That’s why it’ll help if you know what you want out of the work. Find Julie’s books here.
Ginni Conquest: Just do it. I have spoken to people that want to write a book but are afraid to say what they want to say. Don’t be afraid of it; just go for it. Find Ginni’s books here.
Bryan Terhune: Just do it!! Find Bryan’s book here.
Barry M. Putt: Be open-minded and persistent. Those are the keys to success. Find Barry’s books here.
Victoire Batiste: It is important to make a start and then to keep honing your craft. Learn as much as you can about the process. Input from your target audience and fellow writers is also valuable. Find Victoire’s books here.
Claire Markette: Join a writing group to get feedback and constructive suggestions, and attend a writing conference. Above all, keep writing! Find Claire’s book here.
Kelly Turner: Don’t give up! Follow your dreams! YouTube videos from other authors helped me along the way! Find Kelly’s book here.
For questions about the Local Author Fair, please leave a comment below or call the reference desk at 732-873-8700 opt. 3. We hope to see you there!
Thanks for reading,
George, FTPL
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