Have you checked out one of our Staff Picks yet? The Staff Pick of the Week can be followed on our blog, Facebook Album, or you could look at one of our Staff Pick Bookmarks.
We have 12 bookmarks broken up by genre, including: Fiction, Fantasy, Mystery, YA, Nonfiction, and Classics. They’re even color-coded! Nonfiction titles are blue, fiction is green, and YA is black. Bookmarks can be found at the Circulation Desk, the Reference Desk and in the YA room on top of the display. Not every bookmark is out all the time, so keep checking back!
We also want to know what YOUR favorite books are. Tell us on Facebook or Twitter, and maybe one day we can have Patron Pick Bookmarks too!
Don’t forget to sign up for this year’s Summer Reading! Registration just opened, get started today and earn some great prizes – check out our Summer page and look at the prizes you could win in your category. Please note that Children’s is broken into Toddlers and older children… both titled “Fizz Boom Read”.